Archaeological Museum of Athens

Informations - Timetable

National Archaeological Museum
44 Patision, Athens 106 82
Tel.: - Fax:

Monday: 13:00-20:00
Tuesday-Saturday: 08:00-20:00
Sunday & Formal days: 08:00-15:00
National Archaeological Museum remains closed at 25-26th of December, 1st of January, 25th of March, Easter's Sunday, 1st of May.

* Due to possible schedule changes , communication call for exact hours .
Πληροφορίες εισόδου σε αρχαιολογικούς χώρους, μουσεία και μνημεία " title="input information to archaeological sites , museums and monuments">Archaeological sites , museums , monuments

The National Archaeological Museum is the largest archaeolgical museum of Greek territory and one of the greatest of ancient Greek art. It was founded in the late of 19th century in order to protect antiquities from all over Greece highlighting the historical, spiritual and artistic value globally.

The building of the museum was founded in 1866 and the land was donated by Eleni Tositsa.
The construction was based on designs by architects L. Lange and P. Kalkou. The final configuration of the facade of the building took care by E. Ziller,
who had supervised until 1889 , when the west side was completed.
The completion of the museum , as it stands , became gradually in the 20th century with additions on the east side.
In its halls display the long evolution of the ancient Greek civilization.
The Collections of the museum- prehistorical , sculpture and miniature , bronze and Egyptian antiquities- ranked the richest in the world with findings
 from the 7th millennium BC until 5o cent. AD

The prehistoric collection consists of unique works of art, representative of the great civilizations that flourished in the Aegean
from the 7th century BC to 1050 approx. It includes projects of Neolithic, early and Middle Bronze Age from the mainland of Greece, the islands of the Aegean
and Troy. The most important exhibits are the treasures of the Royal tombd of Mycenae, the famous Cycladic Marble figures and wonderfully preserved frescoes of Thera,
forming large pictorial compositions. The work is exhibited in 3-6 halls
of the ground floor and in 48 floor hall.

Sculptures shows the evolution of ancient Greek sculpture from the 8th century. BC by the end of the 4th century. AD
The sculptures that composed it, many of which are masterpieces and landmarks in the history of art,  from Athens and other parts of Greece- Thessalia, Central Greece,
Peloponnese, Crete and Aegean islands, so the
 visitor forms an good picture of evolution, but also the specificity of the various local workshops.
The  collection contains the world's largest sets of original sculpture works, like those of the archaic period,
the most important group of Kouros and the unique number
and quality set of funerary reliefs of the classical era , among which includes the famous columns of Hgisous.

The vessel and miniatures collection extends in the 49-63 halls of the first floor.
Few individual projects such as the monumental Geometric amphora of Dipylon (no. 804 ) or jug of Analatou (no. 313 ) ,
are exposed for comparison purposes in the halls of Sculptures collection. The wealth and quality of vessels of the Geometric period,
 the early black-figure vases from Bari , white lekythoi and red-figure vases of the 4th century . BC classify the collection among the richest in the world.

The bronze collection is one of the richest in the world, famous mainly for large original bronze statues such as Poseidon or Zeus
 the teenager's Marathon, the teenager of Antikythira, but also for smaller projects, such as the known mechanism of Antikythira, figurines and vessels
 Most of the bronze works were offerings to large Greek sanctuaries (of Zeus at Dodoni, of Athena at the Acropolis of Zeus at Olympia,
the Apollo Ptoon in Viotia, the Thafliou Zeus in Thessaly etc.).
These small works on display in 36-39 rooms on the ground floor, the evolution of Greek art from the Geometric to the Roman era.
Egyptian Antiquities Collection of the National Museum holds a significant position in the world because of the importance of the objects,
 representative samples are exposed in the halls 40-41 of the ground floor. The works presented in chronological order,
cover the whole spectrum of Egyptian civilization from the beginning of prodynastikon times (5000 BC) up to the Roman conquest (30 BC-395 AD),
representing all kinds of art: statues, reliefs, columns, vases, sarcophagi, mummies, portraits, miniatures and jewelry.
In room 42 on the ground floor is exposed Stathatou Collection , mainly miniatures of various materials,
that cover a long period from the middle Bronze Age to the post-Byzantine times.

Source: National Archaeological Museum

Museum Cafeteria

A modern café on simple lines , in the verdant patio garden of the National Archaeological Museum is a special corner of relaxation from the bustle of the city!
Enjoy your coffee beside wonderful archaeological finds , statues, mosaics and scents of lavender and lemon ! The opening hours follow those of the Museum and no input payment is required !

Access to the museum
The access to the National Archaeological museum is by metro and railway station, Omonia metro station or Victoria, busses and trolleys .
The Museum has no parking for the private vehicles of the visitors . Private parking for private vehicles are on  Bouboulinas street, Zaimi  street and upon Alexandras Avenue .

For your stay in Athens,
you can book a room in one of the hotels and Bed & Breakfast inns.Close to Athens,
as well as in many other areas, there are hotels and accommodations of various categories and types (rooms to let, residences, Bed & Breakfast inns, studios, hostels, guesthouses and furnished apartments)
that can satisfy every visitor's demands and needs for a pleasant and enjoyable stay. You will find wonderful hotels, rooms and apartments to let of all categories and price ranges

For your entertainment in Athens, you will find a wide rage of  restaurants, taverns, cafeterias, clubs etc.with excellent service and variety of products and services.
Athens also has many restaurants with traditional simple and luxurious choices where you can taste any type of food.

Access - Transportation
By car:
Access to Athens through the existing road network in Attica is quick and easy, Syngrou ave (by south suburbs), Piraeus ave (by Piraeus' areas), Mesogion Ave (by north suburbs, east Attica, Kiffisias (by north suburbs), Lenorman (by west suburbs) and Acharnon (by the National highway and north suburbs).
Access from all the other parts of Greece is through Athens - Thessaloniki and Athens - Patra National road networks and from the islands through Piraeus, Rafina and Lavrio ports.

Indicative routes and distances:
Thessaloniki: 503 km Route Map. The road route from the center of Athens (Syntagma sqr) to Thessaloniki. The distance in kilometers and time that you will need to get there
Patra: 214 km Route Map. The road route from the center of Athens (Syntagma sqr) to Patra. The distance in kilometers and time that you will need to get there
Ioannina: 421 km Route Map. The road route from the center of Athens (Syntagma sqr) to Ioannina. The distance in kilometers and time that you will need to get there
Sparti: 214 km Route Map. The road route from the center of Athens (Syntagma sqr) to Sparti. The distance in kilometers and time that you will need to get there

By bus, metro, train, tram, suburban railway and airplane:
See detailed information for traveling by public transport in the special page of HotelsLine.
Transportation - Telephones - Information

For your convenience, you can use the route map on the field "“Routes"” with information about the mileage, the time you need and the route you will follow, selecting the points of interest.