Theophilos Chatzimichail

Theophilos Chatzimichail was born in Varia, Mytilene, around 1870 and he was the first of eight children of the family, four boys and as many girls.
Puzzled with his family environment, he goes, around eighteen years old, to Smyrni, where according to him, he works as gatekeeper - "Kavasis" – at the Greek Consulate.

From Smyrni he was forced to leave, after an episode with some Turks, to Greece and specifically to Athens, where he tries to be classified in the Greek army during the War of 1897. Once he is not admitted, he goes to Volos, and according to witnesses, he classified as a volunteer and he will be found in battles of Velestino and Domokos. After the end of war, he will remain in Magnesia for about thirty years and he will create his first and perhaps the most important period of his paintings.

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