The historical bridge of Plaka in Tzoumerka

Hotels and rooms to let in Ioannina


The well-known bridge of Plaka, is one of the most beautiful, famous and greatest stone bridges that exist in Greece, with a bow of 40 meters opening. Also, consists of two small, supporting bows of 6 meters opening.

It has a total length of 61 meters, the central arch of 40 meters, the greatest height is 21 meters and the width on the top is 3,20 meters.

With its construction, make easier the transportations of the residents of the villages of the area that are build on the side of Tzoumerka that were forced to pass through Araxthos.

The historical bridge of Plaka is a masterpiece of folklore architecture, of an excellent technique worth of admiration.
It was built by Konstantinos Bekas in 1866. It is considered as the most beautiful bridge in Valkania and third in Europe.

The first attempt of construction is made at 1863, but fell down at opening day, in front of the surprised eyes of people there.

Another serious attempt of disaster happened from the Germans in 1944.

In a smal distance from the bridge is the old Xani that was signed the " agreement of Plaka" , between the organisation of Elas (the area was a border Elas- Edes from 1943 until 1944)

The period of 1881- 1913 Araxthos was a border of Greece with Turkey , today the transportation is happen between the bridge of new type, a little bit further than the new one. Still consists of the beginning of extraordinary routes with rafting or canoe at river Araxthos.

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