Maides custom in Makrinitsa
"Maides", which has taken its name from the most flowery month of spring, May, is a Pelian dance-mimic custom of the most famous and picturesque of Greek on 1st Day of May.
For the origin of this custom there are many opinions from those who have dealt with this issue. However, despite the foreign influences that this habit has accepted with the passage of time and because of the national adventures of Hellenism and the changes in living conditions, many of the manifestations of this custom, many of the "events" refer to the ancient Dionysian myths and the fundamental ritual features of nature worship in antiquity.
In these myths, particularly in the relevant with Adonis and Dionysus, we recognize numerous elements of Maides in Ottoman era and in later years. In many of these myths, like the myth of Maides, the main canvas is the same: one person is murdered, buried with a fresh branch or a flower in his hand and finally he resurrected under the influence of songs and dances by his friends.
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