Easter in Skiathos
Spending Easter on Skiathos, the island of “the saint of the Greek literature”, is definitely a spiritual experience, as the locals observe the monastery ritual of Mount Athos, and live the Passion Week in devoutness and deep contemplation. The sound of the funeral bells ringing, and the scents of the nature in blossom blend harmoniously in sweet melancholy. Visit the island and soak up this overwhelming and mystical atmosphere.
Maundy Thursday
In the morning, the Christians go to church to receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ in a symbolization of the Last Supper. Afterwards, the women return home to dye the eggs red and bake the Easter cookies and the Easter brioche (“tsoureki”), whereas the kids go around from house to house holding cane crosses adorned with rosemary, violets, roses, lilies and poppies, and singing Easter songs for tips.
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